Image-based Pose Estimation and Shape Reconstruction for Robot Manipulators and Soft, Continuum Robots via Differentiable Rendering

Publications category: surgical-robots

Mixed reality surgical mentoring of combat casualty care related procedures in a perfused cadaver model: Initial results of a randomized feasibility study

MD Tadlock, EJ Olson, D Gasques, R Champagne, MJ Krzyzaniak, SA Belverud, V Ravindra, J Kerns, PM Choi, J Deveraux, J Johnson, T Sharkey, M Yip, N Weibel, K Davis

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Compensatory motion scaling for time-delayed robotic surgery

R.K. Orosco, B. Lurie, T. Matsuzaki, E.K. Funk, V. Divi, F.C. Holsinger, S. Hong, F. Richter, N. Das, M. C. Yip

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Bimanual Regrasping for Suture Needles using Reinforcement Learning for Rapid Motion Planning


IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Xi'an, China, pp. 7737-7743 (2021).

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ARTEMIS: A Collaborative Mixed-Reality System for Immersive Surgical Telementoring

D Gasques, JG Johnson, T Sharkey, Y Feng, R Wang, ZR Xu, E Zavala, Y. Zhang, W. Xie, X. Zhang, K. Davis, M. Yip, and N. Weibel

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SURESTEP: An Uncertainty-Aware Trajectory Optimization Framework to Enhance Visual Tool Tracking for Robust Surgical Automation

Accepted in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024.

Real-to-Sim Deformable Object Manipulation: Optimizing Physics Models with Residual Mappings for Robotic Surgery

Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.

Object-centric Representations for Interactive Online Learning with Non-Parametric Methods

IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 1-6 (2023).

Artificial intelligence meets medical robotics

Science 381 (6654), pp. 141-146 (2023).

Suture Thread Spline Reconstruction from Endoscopic Images for Robotic Surgery with Reliability-driven Keypoint Detection

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 4747-4753 (2023).

Real-Time Constrained 6D Object-Pose Tracking of An In-Hand Suture Needle for Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 4761-4767 (2023).