MRI/CT-compatible Robots

Perception and state estimation is a primary challenge in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Real-time intra-operative Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provide global, actionable information to physicians without requiring line-of-sight to the anatomy. This information enables them to diagnose and operate on medical conditions with full contextual information.

Currently, both of these environments are very difficult to operate within due to their highly restrictive bore and safety constraints (radiation exposure and high magnetic fields for CT and MRI, respectively). In addition to the safety benefits, robotics will enable better patient outcomes by providing a more ergonomic User Interface to physicians.

We are developing a robotic platform for CT guided needle lung biopsy. The robot has an exo-bore backend and an intra-bore cable driven end effector for a significant collision free workspace. This platform is open-source and low cost to reproduce. Further development is being pursued to extend this robot to more general MIS applications, including catheter steering and endoscopic surgery.

We are additionally developing MRI compatible actuators using a 3D printable rolling diaphragm hydro-static transmission with a novel clutching mechanism. This will enable easy to use MRI compatible "motors" which retain the advantages and ease of control of traditional electric motors.

Students & Collaborators

  • Dimitri Schrieber
  • Alex Norbash
  • Rebecca Theilmann



An Open-Source 7-Axis, Robotic Platform to Enable Dexterous Procedures within CT Scanners 

D. A. Schreiber, D. B. Shak, A. M. Norbash, M. C. Yip

arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.04646, 2019. [arxiv][vid]

CRANE: A highly dexterous needle placement robot for evaluation of interventional radiology procedures

DA Schreiber, H Jiang, G Li, J Yu, Z Yu, R Zhu, AM Norbash, MC Yip

IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Workshop paper. Nov. 3-8, 2019. Macau.

arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.03063, 2019. [pdf]

Ultrasound-Based Image Guidance for Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: Initial in-vivo results

O. Mohareri, C. Schneider, T. Adebar, M. Yip, P. Black, C. Nguan, D. Bergman, J. Seroger, S. DiMaio and S. Salcudean

Real-time Methods for Long-Term Tissue Feature Tracking in Endoscopic Scenes

M. Yip, D. Lowe, S. Salcudean, R. Rohling and C. Nguan

Registration of 3D Ultrasound through an Air–Tissue Boundary

T. Adebar, M. Yip, S. Salcudean, R. Rohling, C. Nguan and L. Goldenberg

Tissue Tracking and Registration for Image-Guided Surgery

M. Yip, D. Lowe, S. Salcudean, R. Rohling and C. Nguan

3D Ultrasound to Stereoscopic Camera Registration through an Air-Tissue Boundary

M. Yip, T. Adebar, R. Rohling, S. Salcudean and C. Nguan

Robotic Force Stabilization for Beating Heart Intracardiac Surgery

S. Yuen, M. Yip, N. Vasilyev, D. Perrin, P. del Nido and R. Howe

Intra-operative Laryngoscopic Instrument for Characterizing Vocal Fold Viscoelasticity

M. Ottensmeyer, M. Yip, C. Walsh, J. Kobler, J. Heaton, and S. Zeitels